Our mission

Our mission is in the leadership in the development of cities and territories where every resident can have a high standard of living.

Our goal

We strive to combine efforts and intellectual potential to create  smart, sustainable and competitive environments in the Republic of Kazakhstan, applying best practices in urbanism, urban planning and landscaping for the comfort of all citizens.

The issues that we work on

Creation of a single online and offline platform for bringing together thematic organizations, institutes and experts in order to work together and collaborate.

Accumulation of knowledge, creation of an extensive database of experts and urban development projects for ease of access and use.

Development of strategic documents aimed at the development of cities in Kazakhstan, taking into account their unique typology and features.

Stimulating interest in urbanism, as well as in the basics of high-quality planning, design and construction of cities, not only in professional circles, but also among the general public.

Establish effective communication with international institutions, organizations and partners to share experiences and implement best practices.

Implementation of pilot projects as a practical application of the developed strategies and approaches.

Initiating amendments and additions to legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan in order to stimulate the development of urban infrastructure and support sustainable urban development.

Our team
Yerlan Aukenov
Chairperson of the Board of the Q88 Association
Danat Zhumin
Co-Chairperson of the Q88 Association
Iskandar Salikhojayev
Deputy Chairperson of the Q88 Association
Madiyar Daurbayev
Executive Director of the Q88 Association
Yerzhigit Balkybekov
Advisor to the Chairman of the Board of the Association Q88
Zhanat Chukeyev
Project Manager of the Q88 Association
Sanjar Kaziyev
Chief Architect of the Q88 Association
Dilbara Gaziyeva
Project Manager of the Q88 Association