Video materials
The difference in KPI is the number of accidents, the number of fined and the number of deaths per year
Let's talk about speed, because it's what kills people.
The fourth technical principle of Vision Zero - “Striving for physical limitations”
The third technical principle is “Predictability and simplicity of the road environment”
The second technical principle of Vision Zero is “Functional harmony”
Vision Zero technical base, which consists of 4 principles and is user-friendly.
Two ethical postulates of Vision Zero
How the Vision Zero Triangle Begins - The Vision Zero Philosophy
Yerlan Aukenov proposed his own option for using the LRT infrastructure
Live broadcast from the Q88 Urbanist Association round table on the subject of "Comfortable cities of Kazakhstan"
The Q88 group has started the development of the site plan of Akkol.
Why was the book "Streetfight. Handbook For An Urban Revolution" by Janet Sadiq Khan translated and how it was